January the 31th 1863
Well boys,
I received yours and Sarahs letter yesterday eavning. I was very glad to hear from you and to hear that you was well and I hope when this comes to hand it will finde you well as I am happy to say that I am well. Well Talor Jon said Lisey was on Sarahs lap scuking hir title. I wish I was thare to crook my finger at hir but I am a fraid it will be a good while before I shall be able to enjoy that pleasure. Well Scotte you wanted to know how I felt in the fite. Well I wasn’t in the wermest place but I was with the battry at one time when their was several rebble canon firing at us and 6 guns of a nother one of our baterys that lay to the rite of us firing nearly rite over us. The air was full of led and the ground appeared to sway back and forth. I will draw a little scech of our position at that time. If I ever live to get hom I will tell you all about it but you wanted to know how I fellt. Well I fellt like I would as leave and be at home playing with the baby. turn over
Scotty you said you would like to be hear and you said you would be if you was old anuf. I am glad that you ain’t old anuf for I don’t want any body els that is any kin to me to come to war for therr is but very few but what would be very glad to get out of this scrape if they could and you hear men sware every day that they will not stay much longer and I can’t blame them much. All that ceeps the army together is the love of friends not of country at this time. This is Sunday but if you wasn’t to ceep account of the days you would not know when Sunday came. Hear there is no regard hade to the sabbath hear. I am not surprised at the faliers {followers?} of the army when I see the wickedness there is in it. But I will have to close for this time hoping to remain your loving brother until deth.
Wm Forder to G & S Hubbard and all the rest of the friends
Rite soon and often and tell all the rest of the friends to rite. Hug my little girl for me.
Note: Here William is writing to his brother-in-law Scott Hubbard.